I’ve always wanted a Makerspace; it is what inspired me to look into starting a STEM/STEAM program. The reality is a Makerspace would not get used to its full potential due to scheduling and other things. With 2 weeks left of school I created what I’m calling a “Makeshift Markspace”. I set up a variety […]
Posts in the Uncategorized category:
STEM Roller Coasters
My favorite part of the school year this year is probably teaching STEM/STEAM. The curriculum concepts, the thinking skills, and the personal skills the students have learned have made STEM days my favorite days of the week. The last few weeks the fourth graders have been learning about basic physics concepts by building roller coasters. […]
Image taken from GoNoodle. Click the image to learn from GoNoodle.com
Actively Learn
Actively Learn, www.activelylearn.com, is an interactive online eReader with bells and whistles. Students can highlight and take notes, and the teacher can assign text, insert questions, and have the students actually interact with the text. This websites helps transform reading and develop students into critical thinkers. With some of the great features, students will think, […]
Welcome! If you followed me over from Technically A Media Specialist, thank you. I will keep all my past posts up there for you to reference. This blog will have posts about different technologies that can be used in the classrooms. While I will continue to post about how I am using technology with my […]