Pre-K Bridges

The Pre-K students had a unit on transportation so we did their first STEAM project of the year building bridges.2015-11-13 10.00.51

First we read: Bridges are to cross by Philemon Sturges51rzq8cMRML._SY398_BO1,204,203,200_

Then we looked at other real bridges and their shape.

Students worked in partner to decide which shape they wanted their bridge to be. Once they had an idea and told a teacher they could come and take materials from the materials table.

Their materials:

  • blocks
  • printer paper
  • construction paper
  • index cards
  • masking tape
  • scotch tape

The goal:

  • To build a bridge that can hold the most cars.

They did AMAZING! Every group but one had a standing bridge that held more than one car AND the best part, they designed and built it by themselves. 2015-11-13 10.12.53-2