The Pringles Challenge

Last year was the first year I participated in the Pringles Challenge with 90+ fourth graders and their five teachers.  It was one of the best STEM projects of the year.  The Pringles Challenge is now accepting participants for this year: Challenge: Students must design a unique package that will allow a SINGLE pringles chip […]

Rapunzel STEM

It’s been an amazing year of projects this year and I need to blog more about it. One of my favorite projects this year, by far, is the STEM project we just wrapped about.  Take simple machines, add fairy tales, and some Design Thinking to a second-grade class and their creativity runs wild.  I started by giving […]

Augmented Reality, Post 2

Upper Elementary students love Augmented Reality too. Some of my favorite AR apps for the older students tie-in amazingly with the curriculum. Chromville (Free and $$) Chromville, Barcy, and Chromeville Science engages students by bringing their coloring pages to life.  The original Chromville allows students to color different characters that animate using AR.  Each character […]